Paint freezing is a common issue during winter months or when paint is improperly stored. Both latex and oil-based paints can suffer damage from freezing temperatures, leading to potential problems when you go to use them. This comprehensive guide covers everything you need to know about frozen paint.

Key Takeaways
- Allow frozen paint to gradually thaw to room temperature.
- Remix thoroughly after thawing – stir don’t shake latex/acrylic paint.
- Check for permanent changes in consistency, color, smell, etc.
- Do test patches on cardboard or wood before using thawed paint.
- Prevent future freezing by storing paint in heated indoor areas.
- If unsure about thawed paint quality, dispose and purchase new cans.
- Handle and transport paint carefully in cold conditions.
What Happens When Paint Freezes?
Freezing causes different issues for latex vs. oil-based paints.
Latex Paint
Latex paint is water-based, so when it freezes, the water component expands as it turns to ice. This expansion pushes apart the other ingredients in the paint, causing separation. The pigments and additives separate out from the water/ice, leaving clumps and an abnormal texture.
Thawed latex paint will look curdled, lumpy, and gross. Stirring vigorously may recombine everything into a smooth liquid again. But if the separation was extreme, stirring alone may not salvage the paint.
Signs of permanent damage in latex paint include:
- Foul, rotten odor
- Grainy, curdled texture with clumps
- Inability to stir back to a smooth consistency
- Problems with adhesion, coverage, and finish when brushed onto a surface
Mild freezing may not completely ruin latex paint. But as repeated freeze/thaw cycles happen, the damage becomes worse. Even paint that seems to remix okay could perform poorly compared to new paint.
Oil-Based Paint
Oil-based paint contains mineral spirits rather than water. It freezes at much lower temperatures than latex paint, around 0°F to -15°F.
When frozen, oil-based paint becomes very thick and viscous. Once thawed, it returns to its normal fluid state. So oil-based paint withstands freezing better than latex overall.
However, with repeated or extreme freezing, oil-based paint can become permanently altered too. Signs include:
- Increased thickness, even when thawed
- Inability to fully remix, leaving thickened globs
- Abnormal finish when brushed on
So while oil-based paint handles cold better, it isn’t immune to permanent damage from freezing either.
How Does Freezing Affect Paint While Drying?
Having paint actually freeze while in the process of drying on a wall or surface ruins it completely. The water or mineral spirits get frozen in place rather than evaporating normally.
When thawed, you’ll be left with a mess of wrinkled, distorted paint that will need to be fully scraped off and redone. Never apply paint when temps are near freezing until it’s fully dried.
Latex paint is especially vulnerable to freezing before it cures. But oil-based paint would suffer similar destruction if left wet on a surface as it froze.
Can Frozen Acrylic Craft Paint Be Saved?
Acrylic craft paint for art projects reacts similarly to household latex wall paint when frozen. The pigments separate from the acrylic polymer binder, leaving a grainy, clumpy mess.
After thawing and stirring thoroughly, acrylic paint may return to a normal consistency. Mild freezing doesn’t completely ruin it. But repeated freeze-thaw cycles degrade acrylic paint permanently.
Signs that acrylic paint is too far gone:
- Inability to stir out clumps
- Paint doesn’t flow or brush smoothly
- Colors seem dull, faded or separated
- Poor adhesion to canvas, paper, etc.
If the thawed acrylic paint seems hopelessly thick and separated, discard it and get fresh paint. Don’t waste time trying to salvage ruined paint.
How to Restore Frozen Latex Paint
If you discover latex paint cans that have gotten frozen, here are some tips for reviving them:
1. Allow paint to thaw slowly at room temperature. Don’t try to rush thawing frozen paint by putting it in hot water or microwaving it. This can shock the ingredients and cause more damage. Let it sit out and warm up gradually.
2. Stir thoroughly. Once thawed, stir the paint vigorously with a paddle mixer on a drill for several minutes. This mechanical mixing stands the best chance of re-combining separated ingredients.
3. Check consistency and texture. Does the paint flow smoothly and brush on evenly? Or is it still lumpy and gross? Texture is an important indicator if freeze damage is permanent.
4. Do a small test patch. Brush a little thawed paint onto cardboard or scrap wood. See how it looks when dry. If the coverage and finish seem off, the paint may be too damaged to use.
5. Store paint properly going forward. Keep spare paint cans in an indoor area that won’t freeze, even during winter. Prevent repeat freezing.
With mild freezing, latex paint can be revived. But if repeated freeze cycles or very low temps caused severe separation, the paint may be too far gone to save.
Restoring Frozen Oil-Based Paint
Oil-based paint is less vulnerable to freezing damage. But if you find an old can of oil-based paint that has frozen, here’s how to recondition it:
1. Allow the paint to thaw over several hours. Don’t rush it. Slow warming to room temp is best.
2. Mix thoroughly. Use a drill paddle mixer and blend for several minutes until smooth. This should recombine any separated ingredients.
3. Check consistency. The paint should flow and brush easily after mixing. If it seems too thick, try adding a very small amount of mineral spirits to improve consistency.
4. Do a test patch. Brush on cardboard and check the coverage. If it seems satisfactory, the thawed paint is likely fine to use.
5. Use quickly. Oil-based paint that has frozen has a shorter shelf life. Use up within a few months before it possibly deteriorates.
With proper thawing and mixing, oil-based paint often returns to normal after freezing. But it’s still best to store it above freezing when possible.
What Temperature Does Paint Freeze At?
The freezing point of paint depends on the type:
- Latex paint – Freezes around 32°F as the water component turns to ice. Some additives may lower the freezing point slightly.
- Oil-based paint – Can remain fluid down to 0°F or below. Typically freezes between 0°F and -15°F.
- Acrylic craft paint – Contains an acrylic binder so freezing temp is similar to latex house paint, around 32°F.
Don’t leave paint anywhere that dips below these temperatures, unless the container has special freeze prevention features. Garages, sheds, cars, and other unheated spaces often get cold enough to freeze paint.
Will Paint Freeze in a Garage?
Freezing point temperature is about 32°F, so you should store paint where that temperature is maintained. If the temperature dips too low, the paint will freeze.
Can paint freeze in an unheated garage? Definitely. Most garages are detached from the home and lack insulation, so temperatures fluctuate widely. Garages often dip below freezing in winter and get quite hot in summer.
Even when outdoor lows are in the 20s or 30s F, an uninsulated garage can drop 10-20 degrees lower. This makes it too cold to securely store paint long term and prevent freezing.
The optimal storage conditions for paint are above 40°F and below 90°F. An unheated, uninsulated garage rarely stays within this stable temperature range throughout the year.
So for maximum shelf life, keep paint in a heated indoor room of the home rather than the garage. An insulated, heated garage may work if temperatures are moderated.
How to Prevent Paint From Freezing in a Car
Transporting paint in your vehicle? Take steps to avoid freezing:
- Wrap in insulating blankets – Wrap paint cans in blankets or towels to create a little insulation barrier.
- Keep inside passenger area – Don’t leave paint alone in the unheated trunk or truck bed. Keep inside the main heated cab.
- Crank up car heat – Blast the heat on full while transporting paint in extreme cold.
- Take paint indoors ASAP – Get purchases inside right away rather than leaving in the vehicle overnight.
- Check forecast – Avoid transporting paint if bitter cold temps are expected. The risk is too great.
Ideally, paint should not be left in an unheated vehicle for extended periods in below freezing weather. Bring it indoors or into a heated jobsite building as soon as possible.
How to Fix Frozen Acrylic Paint for Crafts
Freezing can ruin acrylic craft paint – but it may be salvageable if you catch it quickly. Here are some tips:
- Let tubes or bottles slowly reach room temperature before opening. Don’t try to rush thawing.
- Work the paint out of the tube and into a palette or bowl. Use a craft stick or knife to mash clumps against the palette to help break them down.
- Vigorously stir the paint for several minutes. Keep mashing and mixing until it becomes smooth.
- If needed, mix in a very small amount of acrylic paint retarder or flow improver.
Is Acrylic Paint Ruined if it Freezes?
Acrylic paint is water-based, so freezing causes the ingredients to separate. Mild freezing may be reversible if the paint is promptly thawed and remixed. But acrylic paint that repeatedly freezes or reaches very cold temps can be permanently ruined.
Signs acrylic paint is too damaged after freezing:
- Unable to stir out clumps, paint still feels gritty
- Colors seem faded, dull or separated
- Poor adhesion and coverage when brushed onto canvas
- Changes the finish from glossy to flat
If the acrylic paint seems hopelessly thick and clumpy after multiple freeze/thaw cycles, it’s unfortunately no longer usable for quality results.
What Temperature Does Oil-Based Paint Freeze At?
Oil-based paint contains mineral spirits rather than water, so it remains fluid at much lower temperatures than latex or acrylic paint.
Typical freezing points:
- High-quality oil-based paint: -15°F
- Economy grade oil-based paint: 0°F
- Paint/primer mixes: 5-10°F
Oil-based paint can become thicker at the freezing point but doesn’t solidify. Repeated freeze/thaw cycles degrade the ingredients over time though.
Store oil-based paint above its freezing point when possible. Keeping it between 40-90°F is ideal for maximum shelf life. An unheated garage likely gets cold enough for at least partial freezing.
Can Paint Freeze in the Can?
Both opened and unopened cans of paint can freeze if exposed to sub-freezing temperatures for an extended time.
Unopened cans: The sealed metal offers some insulation and the paint may take longer to freeze solid. But prolonged freezing temps can still damage the liquid contents.
Opened cans: The paint is exposed directly to the cold air, so it can freeze faster. Any trapped air in the can allows ice crystals to expand, warping the can.
Storing paint cans in a consistently heated indoor room is the only foolproof way to prevent freezing. An unheated garage, shed, or vehicle trunk is too risky for paint storage in winter.
Does Shaking Frozen Paint Help?
You may be tempted to try shaking or hitting a can of frozen paint in attempt to break up the solid mass into a smooth liquid again. But this is NOT recommended for latex or acrylic paints.
The violent motion can actually cause more separation rather than remix the ingredients. Shaking can also introduce damaging air bubbles into the paint.
For latex or acrylic paint, thaw first and then stir gently with a paddle mixer. If a drill mixer isn’t available, use a stick to manually mash any clumps against the side/bottom of the can.
Shaking could potentially help with thickened oil-based paint after freezing. But stir or mix if possible instead to be gentle on the paint.
Can You Microwave Frozen Paint to Thaw It?
Do not try to thaw frozen paint in the microwave! The rapid, intense heat can damage or ruin it.
Microwaves heat unevenly, creating hot spots that could permanently alter paint chemistry. The ingredients may break down or react badly. Metal paint cans could even spark or arc.
Let frozen paint thaw gradually at room temperature instead. This gives the ingredients time to remix smoothly as they liquefy. Thawing in the microwave risks irreparable damage.
Will Frozen Paint Still Spray Out of a Paint Sprayer?
Do not attempt to spray frozen paint, even if it’s been thawed! Paint needs to be in optimal condition to flow correctly through sprayer hoses and tips.
Spraying paint that was previously frozen risks:
- Clogs from paint clumps
- Spatter from poor consistency
- Poor adhesion and coverage on the surface
The mechanical force of spraying can also further degrade the paint, harming resins or binders.
After thawing and remixing, test the paint on a surface first. If the brushed-on sample looks good, the paint may spray acceptably. But err on the side of caution and use high quality paint.
Does Frozen Paint Go Bad Faster?
Freezing doesn’t necessarily make paint go bad faster. But it can shorten shelf life if containers are damaged or ingredients are altered.
Signs paint may deteriorate quicker after freezing:
- Compromised container seals allowing air inside
- Oxidation from repeated freeze/thaw cycles
- Partial separation even after remixing
If the thawed paint shows changes in consistency, color, or smell, its useful life is likely reduced. Use within a few months to be safe.
Proper storage above freezing maintains peak quality. But paint frozen once or twice can often still last 2+ years if containers are intact. Just check carefully for changes before using thawed paint.
Can You Return Frozen Paint?
If you purchased paint that later froze, can you get a refund or exchange? Policies vary by retailer.
Big box home improvement stores like Home Depot and Lowes may allow returns of damaged frozen paint with proof of purchase. Local paint shops are less likely to accept returns.
To get a refund:
- Have the receipt showing paint details & date.
- Return promptly once discovered frozen.
- Point out changes – clumps, separation, dried out lids.
- Be polite – don’t seem like you’re gaming the system!
Without a receipt, you likely can’t return frozen paint. The store has no way to verify when you actually bought it. Absorb the loss, thaw carefully, and test well before using questionable paint.
Final Thought
With proper handling, mildly frozen paint can often be revived and used successfully. But repeated or severe freezing temperatures usually alter paint too much for quality results. By taking preventative storage measures and thawing paint extremely gradually, you can avoid wasting cans of paint due to freezing issues.